Monday, February 10, 2014

Great Entries to Our Valentine's Day Giveaway Contest - #5

Bloomex is currently running a contest, open to residents of Canada, the United States, and Australia, to let us know why they, or a loved one/friend, deserve a bouquet of free roses this Valentine's Day. You can view the details and enter our contest by clicking here.

My wife and I will have been married 5 months as of February 15th and this will be the 2nd valentines of the two we've know each other for that we will not be able to spend together due to my job working on the oil rigs in AB while she is in university in BC.
She is the most wonderful, spectacular, fabulous, amazing, joyful, fun, driven, loving, fantastic, gorgeous, beautiful, lovely, adorable, cuddly, smilie, happy, enjoyable, life giving, hard working, encouraging, motivating, inspiring, focused, and wonderful wife in the whole world past, present and future times infinity. And sadly I won't be able to be with her on valentines day this year, and I still want to show her how much I love her and how she is all of these things to me.

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