Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Flower of the Month; October

October’s birth flower is the marigold. With its golden blooms that match the color of autumn leaves, it’s no wonder the marigold is the flower for October. 

Marigolds symbolize fierce love, passion and creativity. Marigolds also have a long tradition of being used to heal inflammation and skin problems.

Cultures all over the world have used marigolds for treating various health ailments, dying fabrics, creating cosmetics and seasoning foods! 

Marigold flowers can be eaten and are used in salads or as a substitute for saffron. The same antioxidant carotenoids that creates marigold’s captivating color, also provides positive health benefits, such as lowering the risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer.

Marigold is also a natural insect repellent. It’s strong small helps keep bugs away from vegetable gardens or having potted plant close to a window or door will keep flies and mosquitoes out of your home.

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