1. Shades of Pink - $19.99 -
A gorgeous arrangement of Gerbera Daisies, Chrysanthemums, Alstroemeria and greenery.

This bouquet lives up to its name, with tones of pink and lavender making it a favourite. Pink Asiatic Lilies, Limonium and Alstroemeria compliment some lavennder Daisy Spray Chrysanthemums. Light yellow Roses and Mini Carnations provide some contrast.
This bouquet features fresh cut roses, Asiatic Lilies, Snapdragons, Waxflower and classic Carnations. Sure to put a smile on the face of the recipient.
This dazzling arrangement features varying tones of pink, with Asiatic Lilies, lighter Alstroemeria and Pink Roses, topped off with White Waxflower and greenery.
This is a wonderful bouquet for any occasion. With Pretty in Pink, you'll receive pink roses, waxflower, Asiatic Lilies, Alstroemeria and lavender stock, with with seeded Eucalyptus to tie the look together.
Roses, Asiatic lilies, Sweet William and Carnations work together beautifully for a pure pink look. A stunning bouquet that's as fragrant as it is beautiful.

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